@database BangerMenu @master Banger.guide @$VER: BangerMenu_Eng.Guide 1.210 (30-Aug-95) @author "Andre Trettin" @(c) "Banger Software" @index Index @remark A Guide to BangerMenu @node "Main" "BangerMenu Documentation" @next "WhatIs" @prev "Main" @{b}@{u}BangerMenu@{ub}@{uu} BangerMenu 1.210 (30-Aug-95) @{"What is the use of BangerMenu?" link "WhatIs" 0} A short introduction @{"Copyright" link "Copyright" 0} copyright and other important things @{"System requirements" link "System" 0} Everything you need to start BangerMenu @{"Installation" link "Install" 0} How to install manually @{"How to use BangerMenu" link "Usage" 0} A short instruction manual @{"How to setup a configuration" link "config" 0} A short description how to setup a configuration file @{"An example configuration" link "fileconfig" 0} For a closer look at such a file @{"Error description" link "error" 0} Error ? Why ? @{"Contact" link "Autor" 0} My adress @endnode @node "WhatIs" "What is the use of BangerMenu?" @next "Copyright" @prev "Main" @{b}What is the use of BangerMenu?@{ub} With BangerMenu you can make a selection to execute batch files and to launch programs by using a graphical user interface. It is similar to MS-DOS Start menu. If you press the @{b}Caps Lock@{ub} key during the boot process a window will appear. This window contains buttons to execute batch files and to launch programs according to the programs configuration. To execute batch files or to launch programs select one of the gadgets. If you changed your mind and you wanted to go on with your startup-sequence then press @{b}Escape@{ub} or the @{b}Q@{ub} key to quit the program. @endnode @node "Copyright" "Copyright" @next "System" @prev "WhatIs" @{b}Copyright@{ub} This programm is @{b}GIFTWARE@{ub}. If you like this programm and if you use it often you can send me an exciting postcard from you hometown or other things. @{"contact" link "Autor" 0} . If you have some good idees to make this programm better or if you found some bugs (I hope not) I would be pleased about a postcard from you. If you are writing programms too I allow you to use my code (it`s in assembler) to copy programmparts for your own programm. @{b}Use it at your own risk!@{ub} @endnode @node "System" "System requirements" @next "Install" @prev "Copyright" @{b}System requirements@{ub} To run BangerMenu you need Kickstart 2.04 or a later version. The gadtools.library has to be in your "Libs:" directory. Since library is included in your "Libs:" directory since Kickstart 2.04. @endnode @node "Install" "Installation" @next "usage" @prev "System" @{b}Installation@{ub} To install BangerMenu onto a separate disc you should copy the program BangerMenu in your @{b}:c/@{ub} directory and the configuration file in your @{b}:s/@{ub} directory. To install BangerMenu onto your hard disc you should copy the every file of the program package into a directory, for example @{fg highlight}"Work:Tools/BangerMenu"@{fg text}. This is the top of the original startup-sequence. @{b}; $VER: startup-sequence 39.9 (9.8.92)@{ub} @{b}C:SetPatch QUIET C:Version >NIL: C:AddBuffers >NIL: DF0: 15 FailAt 21 C:MakeDir RAM:T RAM:Clipboards RAM:ENV RAM:ENV/Sys C:Copy >NIL: ENVARC: RAM:ENV ALL NOREQ Resident >NIL: C:Assign PURE Resident >NIL: C:Execute PURE Assign >NIL: ENV: RAM:ENV Assign >NIL: T: RAM:T Assign >NIL: CLIPS: RAM:Clipboards Assign >NIL: REXX: S:@{ub} @{i} And this are the necessary changes@{ui} ; $VER: startup-sequence @{fg highlight}40.??? (30-Aug-95) @{fg highlight}FailAt 21 MakeDir RAM:T RAM:Clipboards RAM:ENV RAM:ENV/Sys@{fg text} ;to create the T-dirctory to ram @{fg highlight}Assign >NIL: ENV: RAM:ENV@{fg text} ;this is needed to run @{fg highlight}Assign >NIL: T: RAM:T@{fg text} ;skripts by BangerMenu @{fg highlight}Assign >NIL: CLIPS: RAM:Clipboards@{fg text} @{b}@{ub} @{b}BangerMenu@{ub} ;this will be copied to @{b}IF ERROR THEN@{ub} ;startup-sequence @{b}ENDCLI ENDIF@{ub} C:SetPatch QUIET C:Version >NIL: C:AddBuffers >NIL: DF0: 15 Resident >NIL: C:Assign PURE Resident >NIL: C:Execute PURE Assign >NIL: REXX: S:@{ub} @endnode @node "usage" "How to use BangerMenu" @next "config" @prev "Install" @{b}How to use BangerMenu@{ub} BangerMenu can only be started by using the shell. If you would like to see the menu every time you boot then you have to add the parameter @{b}nokey@{ub} in your @{"startup-sequence" link "Install" 0}. This is favourable for floppy discs with more than one application or game. If you call BangerMenu without any parameters you have to press the @{b}Caps Lock@{ub} key to start the menu. If you did not press the @{b}Caps Lock@{ub} key the ordinary @{b}startup-sequence@{ub} will be executed. You can select gadgets by using your mouse as well by using your @{b}cursor@{ub} keys. With @{b}up@{ub} and @{b}down@{ub} you can select gadgets and by pressing @{b}return@{ub} you press the selected button. If you use @{b}left/right@{ub} cursor key you can jump to the top/bottom or if existing one column left/right. BangerMenu can be cancelled by pressing the @{b}close@{ub} gadget, escape or the @{b}q@{ub} key. In this case your ordinary startup-sequence will be continued. @endnode @node "config" "How to setup a configuration" @next "Fileconfig" @prev "usage" @{b}How to setup a configuration@{ub} The configuration file has to be called @{b}BangeMenu.Prefs@{ub} and needs to be stored either in the directory of the program or in your @{b}S:@{ub} drawer. example: @{b}programname1 programpath1 programname2 programpath2 programname3 programpath3 ENDE@{ub} Please note that the last line of this file has to be @{b}ENDE@{ub} (the german word for end). For further information please have a look at the configuration file of the program package. The programnames will be the titles of your gadgets. The longer they are the longer the gadget will be. In one column 17 gadget should fit. Depending on the programname up to 70 gadgets and more can be displayed. Maybe you have to add to some programpaths a @{b}Run >NIL:@{ub}. @endnode @node "fileconfig" "Example of an config file" @next "error" @prev "config" @{b}Example of an config file@{ub} @{i}CD32@{ui} @{b}1. Gadgetname@{ub} @{fg highlight}Newshell from HD1:Misc/BangerMenu/Bat/CD32@{fg text} a batch to boot CD32-CD @{i}ShapeShifter@{ui} @{b}2. Gadgetname@{ub} @{fg highlight}Newshell from HD1:Misc/BangerMenu/Bat/ShapeShifter@{fg text} there is a batch to start the MAC-Emulator @{i}Directory Opus@{ui} @{b}3. Gadgetname@{ub} @{fg highlight}Newshell from HD1:Misc/BangerMenu/Bat/DOpus@{fg text} a batch to run DOpus @{i}ADPro@{ui} @{b}4. Gadgetname@{ub} @{fg highlight}Newshell from HD1:Misc/BangerMenu/Bat/ADPro@{fg text} ADPro needs a lot of memory @{i}VT 2.74@{ui} @{b}5. Gadgetname@{ub} @{fg highlight}Newshell from HD1:Misc/BangerMenu/Bat/VT2.74@{fg text} a viruskiller for linkviren checking @{i}Shell@{ui} @{b}6. Gadgetname@{ub} @{fg highlight}Newshell from HD1:Misc/BangerMenu/Bat/Shell@{fg text} only a shell @{i}Seelenturm@{ui} @{b}7. Gadgetname@{ub} @{fg highlight}Newshell from HD1:Misc/BangerMenu/Bat/Seelenturm@{fg text} or a game @{b}ENDE@{ub} @endnode @node "error" "Error description" @next "Autor" @prev "fileconfig" @{b}Error description@{ub} Returncodes description 10 = No errors. The program has been run without any mistakes and your selection has be executed. This returncode is for aborting your startup-sequence and executing a batch file. 21 = No memory 22 = Was not able to open library or libraries (dos, intuition,@{"gadtools" link "System" 0} ) 23 = GetVisualInfo error (Windowgraphic error) 24 = @{"BangerMenu.Prefs" link "config" 0} could not be opened. 25 = During the creation of the gadget a mistake has happened. 26 = Could not open the window or could not find the task 27 = @{"Preference" link "config" 0} are empty 28 = Preference are empty 29 = No MsgPort 30 = Could not use any IORequest 31 = Could not open input.device 32 = Error during the parsing of the parameters @endnode @node "Autor" "Author & Adress" @next "Main" @prev "error" @{b}Author & Address@{ub} @{fg highlight}Andre' Trettin Duwockskamp 33 21029 Hamburg Germany 040/7246861@{fg text} @endnode @node "Index" "Index of BangerMenu" @{"Address" link "Autor" 0} @{"Author" link "Autor" 0} @{"BangerMenu.Prefs" link "config" 0} @{"CAPS-Lock-Key" link "WhatIs" 0} @{"Close-Gadget" link "Usage" 0} @{"Cusorsteuerung" link "Usage" 0} @{"ESC-Key" link "Usage" 0} @{"Error" link "error" 0} @{"Installation" link "Install" 0} @{"Installationscript" link "Install" 0} @{"Config" link "config" 0} @{"Q-Key" link "Usage" 0} @{"Startup-sequence" link "Install" 0} @endnode